If you're looking for a caregiver with a formal childcare background or early education training, home daycare probably isn't for you. Unlike most of the employees in a childcare center, Mrs. Johnson down the street probably hasn't taken any development classes lately. Some states do require home daycare providers to have a certain number of hours of basic health, care, and safety courses under their belt, but that's no substitute for college training.
Licensing requirements for home daycares are usually less than stringent. Some states and counties do require licensing, but most don't. If you live in an area without licensing requirements, you'll have to rely on your own judgment — and eye for safety and sanitation hazards — to make sure the environment is acceptable for your baby.
Another drawback is that no backup may be on hand if your caregiver gets sick or takes a vacation, unless she finds a substitute. If you don't have an understanding boss or somewhere else to turn, you may end up using all your own vacation and sick days staying home with your child, which may make the extra costs of a center — with its guaranteed care — worth it for you.