License #02-157947

Policy Handbook


These policies are not being issued to scare you away or to frighten you but to assure you that your child is being provided the safest best possible care. This is a professional and well ran in home business. Some of these policies have been formed from previous experience and some are in accordance with the MD State regulation requirements.

Policy Handbook

Welcome to A Happy Bear Child Care. To help ease the transition into our child care program, the following policies are provided. I hope that these policies will help to avoid any misunderstandings between the Child Care Program and the parent(s). If you have ANY questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.

Child Care Philosophy
Children are our most precious resource, we owe them the safest, most loving and educational environment available. You can also make them very happy by spending as much one on one personal time with them as possible. The pre-school years are part of the most important time in a child’s life. How children feel about themselves and how the perceive the world around them will have a profound impact upon the way they meet challenges and experience life as an adult. I want to help build a good
solid foundation within each child, so they may reach their fullest potential as a child and an adult. I want each child to develop a good self-concept; to learn about themselves, to express their feelings, to cooperate with others and most of all to make new friends.

Children learn through play, therefore I provide a variety of experiences to expand their cognitive thinking. I provide needed time to explore, and the opportunity to express themselves creatively. And, above all, I provide love, respect, a safe environment and fun.


A substitute is someone who fills in for me if I need to go on an appointment during child care hours. I make every effort to schedule my appointments in the evenings or Saturdays; however, that is not always possible.

An emergency backup is another childcare professional, friend or family member that agrees to provide care for your child if I am closed. It is imperative that you have a backup. Closings that require your backup normally comes as a surprise for a number of reasons; my own family illness, family emergency, inclement weather or bereavement.

If you are interviewing for a spot and request the spot be held for you at a later time. There is a required two week NON-REFUNDABLE deposit. This is to guarantee you the spot and it also assures me that the spot has been filled. The Parent(s) shall pay the amount charged per child as an initial registration fee when this Contract is signed. This registration fee will then be applied toward the final time of service when this Contract is being terminated.

Your hours are indicated in the contract. Please remember that your fees are based on your contracted hours, NOT the hours I am open. You may not bring your child early or have your child stay late because my hours are flexible. You are paying for the hours agreed on in the contract. NOT my hours of business. That time frame on those days is your spot, it is to be paid for even if your child attends or not. I will enforce the fees to all that are late or early.


Licensed providers are not, by law, allowed to care for sick children. If a child becomes sick during the day, I will call the parent to pick the child up immediately. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or above (before Tylenol) or they have vomited or had diarrhea after midnight the night before, they MAY NOT come to child care. Diarrhea and vomit are serious sanitation problems and children must leave the child care immediately. I am permitted to administer medications to the children only if I have written permission/consent from the parent. If the medication is required more than once per illness, the doctor must sign a medical form with instructions. If a child must take medication they have never taken before the parents must give the first two doses to the child to be sure there are no side effects.

On snowy or icy days, when the roads are not passable child care may be closed. The parent is required to call child care, in the morning, to find out if there will be a closing or late opening.

Children may bring toys from home to sleep with, but I cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys. I do not encourage children to bring their own toys.


o Diapers
o Wipes
o Formula
o Bottles
o Special Dietary Foods
o Wash Cloth
o Liquid Soap
o Powder
o One Light Blanket
o Bibs
o Crib Sheet
o 3 changes of clothes
o Child rain coat and rain boots
o Under Garments & Vinyl Covers
o Winter Attire - snow suits, hats, mittens/gloves, boots
o Summer Attire - shorts, tops, bathing suit, towel, beach shoes (the kind you can get wet)
o Non prescription diaper cream

During the spring and summer months all children must have sunscreen applied prior to arriving. In the spring, their faces and arms must be covered. Once they start wearing shorts, their legs must be covered. On very warm days when we will use the sprinkler, please cover their entire bodies so they are no exposed to the sun’s rays. Your child MUST be dressed according to the weather each day. Proper outer wear daily is required. NO open toed shoes at all. All of these items will remain at the child care home and MUST be marked with the child's name on each item. When these items are low, you will be informed with plenty of time to replenish them.
In addition, AHBCC may request that Parent(s) provide a specific item for the benefit of the child(ren) from time to time. If Parent(s) fail to supply the requested items in a reasonable timely manner, then AHBCC may choose to purchase the item and the Parent(s) agree to reimburse the Provider for the reasonable cost of the item.

It needs to be established who will provide meals, snacks and drinks for the children. If I provide all meals and snacks for children over the age of the parent must bring with them the first day of care each week: a gallon of milk and a sugar free juice of some sort. However if you chose to provide meals and snacks, they must be nutritional. NO sugar products (candy), NO lunchables, NO chips. Meal and snacks must contain protein, fruits and vegetables. If I am providing meals and your child arrives after a meal is served you ARE required to feed the child.

Many parents send a special treat (cupcake, cake, cookies, etc.) and/or goodie bags to celebrate a child’s birthday. So that no child gets their feelings hurt, please do not bring gifts.

Each parent is required to specify on the emergency card who will be responsible for picking up the child from care. If someone other than your self will be picking up the child, they must have photo ID and a written notice must be received the morning this is to occur. I will not allow your child to go with anyone unless I am made aware of this. If your child is not picked up by the departure time, the late fee will be applied.

The first two weeks of enrollment in “A Happy Bear Child Care” is considered a “Trial Period”. Child care may be terminated by either the Provider or the Parent(s) during this trial period without any advanced notice. After the trial period has passed, childcare may be terminated by the Provider or the Parent(s) only by providing the other party with a THREE WEEK advance written notice. If the Parent(s) fail to provide a written three week advance notice, the Parent(s) agree to pay the regular scheduled fees for the three weeks minus the registration fee, immediately after such notice during which the Provider had no notice of sucH termination.
A Happy Bear Child Care retains the right to terminate this Contract without any notice for the following reasons:
*The child(ren)s behavior is destructive, uncontrollable, violent, or threatening to the other children or Provider at the facility. The determination is made in the sole discretion of the Provider. *A Parent(s) behavior is threatening or abusive to the other children or the Provider at the facility. *Child care fees are 10 days or more delinquent. *The child(ren) is absent for 5 days or more without reasonable explanation or payment from Parent(s). All terminations of this type can be made effective immediately. There will be NO REFUND of deposit.


Indoor and outdoor, imagination station pre-school activities, arts and crafts, storytelling, computer time (coming soon) and educational entertainment such as listening to CD’s and tapes, dancing, exercise and watching television shows like, “Reading Rainbow”,” Dora the Explorer”,” Magic School Bus”,” Sesame Street” “and Arthur”.


AHBCC’s facility will be closed three weeks a year for vacation/sick days. The Parent(s) is responsible for arranging alternate care during the Provider’s vacation. Fees will not be reduced for these personal/vacation days. The Parent(s) shall provide AHBCC with a one month advanced written notice for expected family vacations. The child care fees will not be adjusted for the time period that the child(ren) does not attend because of family vacation.


Conferences and Workshops that I must attend are also paid days. These are required of me in order to remain licensed. Enough notice will be issued in order for you to arrange proper child care for your needs if there is a scheduled class during business hours. These classes are normally done evenings and weekends so the probability of being closed for workshops is unlikely.


If a holiday falls on a Saturday than I will be closed that Friday, if the holiday falls on a Sunday than I will be closed that Monday.

The parent(s) agree to pay an overtime fee of $1.00 per minute if the child(ren) is not picked up by the scheduled time noted above. If the child(ren) is not picked up within 5 minutes after the scheduled time, the per minute overtime fee will start accruing from the scheduled time. There are extenuating circumstances, if you are sitting in traffic and have a cell phone, please call me. This overtime fee shall be paid in full when the Parent(s) arrive to pick up the child(ren). If your child arrives before the agreed time you will be charged a $1.00 early arrival fee per minute per child. These fees are to be considered overtime pay.

No child will be allowed on the 3rd floor for any reason.

I require a year contract be signed and agreed upon before care is provided. (January to December) I renew each contract yearly and reserve the right to make changes as I see fit. All contracts will begin the renewal process in December to go in effect January of the next year. No matter which month you start care, you will be required to renew your contract in December and make all forms current and updated.

Payments are due the last day of care for the week to come. Payment is due when you drop your child off for care. If your payment is not received the last day of care there is a $40.00 per day late charge that will be added to the amount owed. Saturday and Sunday are also included. I will not resume care until this has been paid in full. I accept cash and checks for payment. If your check is returned to me three times I will no longer accept that form of payment from you. You will be charged $50.00 for a return check fee plus any fees I may occur from the bank for the return item.

There will be no unscheduled child care.

Occasionally your child will be transported. Parents are to provide the proper car seats or booster seats. We go on field trips throughout the year and parents are occasionally asked to volunteer their time and assist with the field trips. Parents are responsible for the cost of the trip and the meals for their child and themselves if they attend the outings. Special permission forms will be given for such trips, if parent(s) decline the field trip, they ARE responsible for alternate child care.


I ask that the children follow some basic rules while in my care. They are pretty simple:
Have a positive attitude.
Be respective of others, property and our environment.
Be polite and show good manners and respect for others.
No yelling - use a voice that is appropriate.
No hitting or rough housing of any kind.
No name calling or teasing of others.
What I am basically saying is treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. If your child should be disciplined at home for any reason please do not ask me to with hold any activities or keep the child from playing with others. I do also ask that you work with me on the manners! I've found if we as adults use manners with the children they'll pick it up with ease. Consistent by all is very important. I am trying to redirect the child in a positive way to prevent TIME OUTS! When I see a child is getting aggressive I may ask that child to come read a book with me or to do an activity alone until they can correct themselves instead of hurting another child. I believe in allowing a child to express their feelings in a safe healthy manner. If I am not successful I will contact you and request the child be picked up for the rest of that day. Courtesy and respect of others and their property is a big factor in my daily teaching. I promote sharing, helping of others and I offer praise for doing it well. It is the sole responsibility of the parent to replace or repair and properties damaged or broken by your child. Except but not excluding normal wear and tear. Keep in mind accidents do happen however I should not be responsible for your child's accident. I do NOT allow violent play or rough housing of any kind. You are required to have the item replaced or repaired within a timely manner. Three weeks.

While attending child care your child(s) picture will be taken for scrapbooks, website, CD memories, activities, advertising and postings in newsletters. You the parent grant permission for their participation.

Parents have the right to be informed of their rights to regulated child care. You can find all the information at.

The child care provider may change any of the terms in this Contract, including but not limited to fees, by providing the Parent(s) with 30 days advanced written notice of such changes.

At AHBCC there lives a 3 year old cat. Her name is Bella. She is up to date on all of her shots. She will not be allowed to interact with the children at any time.